One of Starkwood's security cameras picked
him up leaving the compound; he was carrying a backpack.
-- 24, S7E24
I also hear that he's writing short stories and a novel, but he still carries a backpack, Kitty.
-- Brothers and Sisters, S5E11
この他に、wear という動詞も使われます。wear と言えば、服や帽子やメガネを身につける時に使われますが、リュックサックのようなものを背負う場合にも使われるのです。以下に、2つ例をあげておきます。
One of the men remembers that he was wearing a backpack with some kind of company
logo on it.
-- Dark Angel, S2E16
She still wears a Hello Kitty backpack.
-- Brothers and Sisters, S5E2
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